Paradigma Labs is glad to announce its contribution to Apache Mahout's project!

In our developments we realized that NoSQL databases were not supported natively by the machine learning library, so, trying to fill this "gap", we decided to create a DataModel for MongoDB support. After the favorable results obtained, we determined to share it with Mahout's community (and yeah!, the code have been accepted).

Unfortunately, this DataModel will be released with Mahout's version 0.6, but you can access the code at Mahout's SVN.

As bonus, we have been developed a recommender system based on this DataModel, all wrapped by a REST service. Source code, installation/configuration and more can be found at GitHub.
Hope you enjoy it!

Related reading: Mahout in Action
Related viewing: Social Recommendations

Paradigma Labs is glad to announce its contribution to Apache Mahout's project!

In our developments we realized that NoSQL databases were not supported natively by the machine learning library, so, trying to fill this "gap", we decided to create a DataModel for MongoDB support. After the favorable results obtained, we determined to share it with Mahout's community (and yeah!, the code have been accepted).

Unfortunately, this DataModel will be released with Mahout's version 0.6, but you can access the code at Mahout's SVN.

As bonus, we have been developed a recommender system based on this DataModel, all wrapped by a REST service. Source code, installation/configuration and more can be found at GitHub.
Hope you enjoy it!

Related reading: Mahout in Action
Related viewing: Social Recommendations

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