If you are already using containers in your business or if you intend to do so soon, I'm sure you already know it. But anyway, lets give a quick reminder of what Kubernetes is.

We will also see what are the reasons that make Kubernetes the preferred platform to develop better applications and deploy them in production in less time. And how it has become the core of the main PaaS in the market and a large number of Cloud products for container management.

What is Kubernetes?

Kubernetes (K8S) is defined as an open-source system for the automation of deployments, scaling, and management of containerized applications.

This container orchestrator was initially designed by Google, who later donated it to the Cloud Native Computing Foundation, it's written in Go. It can be deployed in multiple cloud or bare-metal environments and supports multiple container runtimes (docker, rkt, cri-o or frakti).

What are its main features?

Lately K8S is becoming the de facto standard for container orchestration because it provides many more advantages than other solutions in the market. Its main features are:

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The evolution of Kubernetes

Since its inception, Kubernetes has been a project that has enjoyed great recognition and has always had a lot of impact, but in recent months its influence has been consolidated based on different factors.

The community has grown considerably. Google and Red Hat contribute the most, but there are also Meteor, CoreOS, Huawei, Mesosphere and many more.

This growing interest is also noted in the number of issues that arise in the Stack Overflow platform or in the number of meetups that are held related to this technology.

In addition, it is no longer perceived as a toy with which to experiment, it is acquiring sufficient solvency so that it is increasingly used in production, according to the CNCF survey:

Where can you use Kubernetes?

The options to use Kubernetes hardly have any restrictions, almost any option of use is possible thanks to all the possibilities of installation that it offers and because many solutions are integrating it in their architectures. Thus, we have a wide range to use K8S in the flavor we want.

  1. Bare Metal: we can deploy our cluster directly on physical machines using multiple operating systems: Fedora, CentOS, Ubuntu, etc.
  2. Virtualization On Premise: if we want to mount our cluster on premise, but with virtual machines, the possibilities grow. We can use Vagrant, CloudStack, Vmware, OpenStack, CoreOS, oVirt, Fedora, etc.
  3. Cloud solutions: if we want to have all the advantages of Kubernetes, without taking care of managing everything below, we have all these alternatives in the cloud:

And if that wasn’t enough, now Amazon Web Services has joined as a Platinum member of the Kubernetes DevOps group, the Cloud Native Computing Foundation.

Containers have meant a radical change in the way we build and deploy applications. As the density of containers increases, tools are needed to facilitate communication, administration and planning.

It is in this environment where an orchestrator becomes necessary. From its appearance it was already clear how Kubernetes took advantage against other orchestrators.

Although there have been many changes in recent months and there is great competition, it seems that we are witnessing the consolidation of Kubernetes as the main orchestration solution: it is found in all PaaS and in all Cloud services, it has the best features and the community never stops improving it.

Without a doubt it is the technology that everybody talks about, everyone wants to contribute to in their modules and is the preferred platform to build applications based on containers.

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