Would you like to work from 8 am to 3 pm all year round? A lot of our colleagues would! And we know it because in the past few months it has been the most common idea put up on our suggestion board.
What at first could have seemed crazy, was taken very seriously in Paradigma. And why Not? Why not have a shorter working day that is 100% flexible? Why not go for a measure that gives us a better work/life balance?

It’s been a while now since we, in Paradigma, decided to bet on teleworking, on a flexible timetable, on only working until 3pm on Fridays, on having a shorter working schedule in July and August. This initiative is without doubt a giant step to make. A further step towards a better work/life balance. Something that made us the first IT company to have a shorter working day all year round.
This new schedule is 100% optional, which means if one of our colleagues prefers a more traditional working schedule they can continue working as before and anyone who wants to work a more intensified schedule, can start to do so from January 2017.
What does the shorter working schedule mean for Paradigma? Firstly, we believe that it is important to come to the office motivated, being able to have a good life balance both in and out of the office. To have more free time to rest, spend more family time, or more time with friends…. So that in short we can “develop” our lives. Is there a better way of achieving this than having all evening free to ourselves?
In the end, being happy makes us more productive. It’s not only us saying this, in Denmark they have believed this for years.

It’s nothing new for us to believe in a better work/life balance, in the end, it is to choose the well-being of our colleagues. It is something that has always been part of our values, since the early stages of our journey.
This is possibly one of the best news of the year for the Paradigma family. For us 2016 was very special, we grew 26% and this didn’t interfere with the decision of introducing a shorter working schedule. Our growth cannot condition us.

Moreover, we believe that it is important that Paradigma adapts to its people and not the other way around. We are a no-company and therefore, our colleagues are our number one priority.
We finished an incredible year and this is due to each and every one that makes up Paradigma.
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