Group dynamics sessions are an essential tool in my daily professional life. I use them to design products and services, to generate new ideas, to solve problems... The more I work with them (both as a moderator and as a participant), the higher my opinion of them. Thus, I recommend using them.

The results obtained from a session are mind-boggling. The result of teamwork is much more creative and productive, and the time saved by holding a group dynamics session instead of doing individual work is significant.

But not only that: holding this type of sessions helps to motivate the people who take part in them by taking them outside their routine and giving them a place where their contributions will be heard. Furthermore, they will spend more time with their co-workers.

However, I am now detecting a certain amount of pushback to working with dynamics. Some months ago, when I arrived at a client’s to hold a group dynamics session I found both people who were eager to try new ways of working and the usual sceptics who were nevertheless open to trying the method.

The result of all the sessions was always positive; many ideas and solutions to problems came out of them, agreements were reached, a lot of work was done in a single session… The participants left satisfied; they had taken part in something useful and they knew what to do next.

Lately I have not seen the same predisposition. Now, when I enter a room the atmosphere is not as good because many of the people in attendance have already been in other similar sessions before where the results were not as expected – most likely because they were not held properly.

Dynamics are not witchcraft; if they are not properly moderated, if the correct dynamic is not chosen and, above all, if the results are not followed up on, the group dynamics session loses all of its value.

For example, what good is it to select ideas for evolving the business if nothing is done with them later on and they remain on the post-it note stuck to the board?

So it is now that our job is more important than ever; we have to manage to get attendees involved in the group dynamics session and turn it into something useful in order for them to trust in the method again.

How can a group dynamics session become useful?

A group dynamics session has to be useful and achieve its goal. The moderator of the session is the person who has to guide participants in order for this to happen (and to make them want to repeat).

Below I have listed some tips to make a group dynamics session useful:

How to turn an attendee into a participant

The conductor is always responsible for getting the attendees involved in the session regardless of their predisposition.

However, now that the trend among clients seems to be being blasé about dynamics, our job is more important than ever.

Here are some suggestions to get attendees to participate and collaborate:


Working with dynamics is useful and productive. Nevertheless, it is also true that they do not work by themselves; their success depends on the participants and, especially, the organizers, since it is up to them to help the team to reach the goal of the session.

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