Building the Biggest Mobile Virtual Network Operator in Spain.
When a company like Vodafone starts thinking about starting a mobile virtual network operator (MVNO), the goal is to take it to the top.
The ideal partner for facing this kind of challenge should be experienced enough (we had already done Tuenti LATAM and Simyo) so as to be able to put a competitive product on the market in a short time and help the company grow over the years.
Little could we imagine that, years down the road, what was conceived as a low-cost operator would become what today is the no 1 MVNO in Spain.
There are many types of provider-client relationships. Lowi’s relationship with Paradigma is a true love – Lowi – story.

We grow hand in hand.
Since it was launched in 2014, Lowi has not only achieved remarkable goals but it has also changed its business model, going from being a low-cost operator to an operator that competes with the big boys.
Paradigma’s Lowi team has grown too: from a few individuals to more that 50 people. We organized several Scrum teams along the lines of the Nexus framework, thus achieving the synchronization needed to make the deliveries corresponding to each functionality.
Each team is multidisciplinary and has web/mobile development, UX, Frontender, SEO and web/mobile analytics, and Systems profiles.
Operational functional software is delivered on a periodic basis (usually, every 3 weeks). This way of working permits optimal flexibility, especially in cases like Lowi’s, where it was necessary to integrate it with multiple vendors and technology platforms to provide fibre and mobile services.
After each stage, the growing harmony and trust between Paradigma and Lowi made it possible to reach new milestones faster, leaving time for new practices such as user testing, analytics, UX research...

We are a big team made up of 56 professionals working together.
Service "All inclusive"
Over the course of our relationship we have defined and developed the most valuable artefacts for Lowi and its customers: the entire web portal, the recruitment funnel, the private customer area, the native mobile applications, and the tools for the call centre and the offline distribution channels.
Upon adding each new product, such as fibre or additional lines, we redesign some of these artefacts in order for them to meet new product and business requirements. We also improve them based on the user experience accumulated to date.

Lowi’s three technological stages
Lowi’s architecture has changed greatly over time and has been adapted so that it can meet the growing demand for the product thanks to its popularity.
In order to explain its architecture, we have divided it into three basic stages:
Stage 1 (2014-2017):
Lowi was conceived as a hybrid cloud product from the start.
A basic ‘monolithic’ architecture was proposed (in fact, Monolith First was applied) to get to know the business in depth and acquire some experience. It is somewhat similar to a start-up’s model: build something very focused very quickly and, if it works, formalize it.
Stage 2 (2017-2019):
The number of products offered increased, the number of users grew, and the retailer portal was created. We scratched the initial concept because we needed to build something more efficient in order to not fall behind in the market. We switched the architecture to microservices and improved the separation of duties whilst spending more time on quality assurance.
Stage 3 (2019…):
Lowi is at the most competitive stage yet, so it needs to behave like the big Internet companies as well as change its purchasing process philosophy. We want everything to be automated: processes, tests, incidents…
UX Research.
Lowi has grown so big over the last few years that it has been necessary to make a few comprehensive changes in the design of the public website and the price configurator.
These major changes to the presentation letter and the key element of contracting have resulted in more UX research: We extensively benchmark the purchase funnel and conduct guerrilla tests.
Apart from that, we conduct field research at the rural retail level and in call centres by applying qualitative techniques like user shadowing, service safari, interviews, and focus groups.
Analytics and back office.
The SEO challenge consisted in segmenting the audience to achieve a high conversion rate from organic traffic. As far as analytics is concerned, emphasis was placed on properly measuring conversions and allowing A/B testing. eCommerce analytics allows sales to be reported by channel, by campaign, and by product.
We also developed user support and management tools for call centre operators. A django CMS allows product owners to post content directly on Lowi’s web portal.

The adventure continues
Lowi’s future is bright. Its health and growth rate are excellent. We are very proud to have helped the company so far. The journey, however, has just begun. Now we know each other well, we know what each other’s needs and strengths are, we have countless plans that we would like to put into practice, and we want to do it together.
We have a very promising future ahead of us and we want to continue to be part of this adventure called Lowi.

A true success story that will be remembered in the history of the digital age for many years to come.
Jesús Parla de Andrés
Solution Owner at
active subscriptions
in 2019