
Cloud Technologies: Foundations for the Companies of the Future.


Health in Code


Do you want something like this?

Say Hola!

The Health in Code Group is the product of the merger of three leading Spanish companies in the field of genetic testing.

After the merger, the new group faced the challenge of managing a wide variety of technology solutions and duplicated processes that limited its scaling capabilities and could end up slowing down the evolution of its products at the rate the market requires.

How could it break up the technology silos inherited from each of the three companies, homogenize their processes, increase efficiency and glean the greatest value from their data?

Paradigma has helped Health in Code in this transformation via a cloud-unified technology platform that will enable it to scale up more easily and automate its processes and has flexible costs according to demand.

Foundations on Azure.

In a first stage we launched a foundation service in Microsoft Azure in order to implement a hybrid cloud model, which will enable solid growth, fast expansion and flexible cost management.

In this phase we:

  • Deployed a hybrid environment using Azure as a public cloud.
  • Defined a cloud governance model that had its structure of subscriptions, nomenclature, labelling and resource policies in Azure.
  • Established the architecture of Azure’s Landing Zone working on the cloud, storage, messaging and secret management model that will support the cloud-deployed workloads.
  • Supported the integration of the corporate IAM solution in order to provide the company with a single identity management.
  • Automated the supply, deployments and configuration by means of infrastructure as code (IaC) in the array of environments.
  • Introduced Kubernetes as the containerised application deployment environment, both in Azure and on premise.

DevOps, a guarantee of good practices.

DevOps nos da tranquilidad y garantía.

Next, we designed and implemented the new DevOps strategy, which will ensure good development and quality practices are applied throughout the lifecycle of development. In this phase we:

  • Trained and tutored the development teams in the principles of containerisation, decoupling and archetype use.
  • Introduced coverage validation criteria for unit tests, which are supplemented with mutation test validations.
  • Made Sonar the code analysis tool, integrated in the CI/CD flow.
  • Created archetypes for validating front-end and back-end developments based on Cypress and Python.
  • Integrated JIRA X-Ray and Azure DevOps.
  • Generalised “Three Amigos” meetings (business, development team and quality) so as to improve the definition of user stories in early development phases.

Hybrid cloud model.


Hybrid cloud model.

Data-driven strategy

And, finally, as part of the data-driven strategy we defined a new data reference architecture with the foundations at the data input, processing, storage, mining and display levels. In addition, we created the different data archetypes to facilitate the development of new processes or components.

We deployed Azure Data Factory and Azure Data Lake as part of the input and storage architecture and used PowerBI as the visualisation tool, which allowed us to create dashboards that will help the company to make decisions.

Improvement of the decision-making process.

With this new architecture, Health in Code now has a unified infrastructure where it can deploy its NGS data analysis, detection, annotation and genomic variant pre-classification products.

Thanks to the hybrid cloud model, Health in Code can now quickly scale up its infrastructure and respond to high demand contexts and has accelerated innovation technology environments in which to build its next market solutions.

Its development teams now use a common working framework having a high degree of deployment and testing automation, which allows them to bring down mistakes and assure quality throughout the software lifecycle.

Moreover, Health in Code has taken the first steps to become a data-driven company, which will enable it to improve its decision-making process by using analytical data through PowerBI dashboards.

Productivity analysis.

Analysis of DNA samples

  • Centralised control of the production status of samples and delivery agreements with clients.
  • Measurement of lab process times and visualisation of deviations or peak workloads in certain analyses, lab phases or clients for optimisation purposes.

Customer service report

  • Control of the number of customer service contacts and the number of tickets opened.
  • Availability of different resolution time metrics and the first contact resolution rate.

Client area

  • Control of the evolution of the request log on the client portal.
  • Analysis of requests by client, country, medical speciality or status.

Thanks to the new technological bases, Health in Code now has solid foundations on which to keep building its company of the future.

Migración a la nube de azure.
Víctor Navarro.
The professionalism and technical know-how of the Paradigma’s people is amazing. You never stop learning new technology-related things with them. Their human team is the best.

Víctor Navarro.

CIO at Health in Code.