AWS specialists.
We are leaders in Iberia in the development of innovative projects based on AWS technology.
Using the services of the leading public cloud provider enables us to efficiently and quickly solve the problems of our customers. Paradigma and AWS lead the development of innovative digital products for major corporations in Iberia.
AWS is committed to running your business in the most environmentally sustainable manner possible. At Paradigma we are firmly committed to creating a positive impact on the world. And together, combining the AWS supertechnology and Paradigma's talent, we aim to execute exceptional projects to help create a better world.
We started our partnership with AWS in 2013, convinced that their solutions were the ideal foundations for our developments. We are Advanced Consulting Partners since 2018. Having used Amazon technologies in many projects, we have over 200 engineers who are experts in devops, data, analytics and ML/AI workloads over AWS. We have over 30 AWS Certifications and a dedicated Managed AWS Cloud team.
We are specialists in:
AWS Immersion Day.
AWS DynamoDB Service Delivery (coming soon).
Data & Analytics (coming soon).
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Build the future.
Be the future
Leader of Cloud providers.
Since its inception AWS is the leader thanks to the breadth and depth of its services. That is why it is the cloud of choice for enterprise customers and startups alike. It is suitable for all kinds of workloads, from datacenter migrations to the most innovative usage scenarios.
Data & Analytics.
AWS has the broadest and most complete data and analytics portfolio. As a result, AWS is used by a multitude of major companies to develop their Big Data, Datalakes, real-time data, analytical exploitation and advanced analytics projects.
Global network of regions.
The AWS cloud includes 76 areas of availability geographically distributed among 24 regions across the globe. An additional 9 AZ and 3 regions will be added soon, which will include Spain.
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AWS Partners working in Spain such as Paradigma Digital help enterprise and public sector customers migrate to AWS, deploy mission-critical applications, and provide a full range of monitoring, automation, and management services for customers' AWS environments.
Werner Vogels,
CTO, Amazon.