In this video, we present the network evolution around March iPad 2 launch conversation.

Data was collected using twitter real-time API, on March 2nd, 2011, totalling around 50k tweets+retweets

After that, we used Gephi Streaming feature in tandem with its Force Atlas Layout, et voilà, Gephi instant gratification!

Final movie was edited with ScreenFlow, after some antialising problems on our team videocards

This is part of an ongoing series about juicing network meaning from twitter activity. Next post will be about network node and global metrics using the phenomenal python networkx library

In the movie, twitter users are represented as "nodes", and retweet relationships as "edges". As can be seen network starts as a disconnected graph, and slowly builds up to a connected one, dominated by @TechCrunch, @MacTrast and @ZAGGDaily.

Tracking Twitter Stream - iPad's launch event from Paradigma Labs on Vimeo.

[ Music Credits: "A movement between these two" (should it be "between these three?"), by madrilian band "Hola a todo el mundo"]

Related reading: Connected: The Surprising Power of Our Social Networks and How They Shape Our Lives

Related viewing: "Did You Know?" Video on the progression of information technology, researched by Karl Fisch, Scott McLeod, and Jeff Brenman

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