#15oct and #ows
15th October 2011 was a world-level milestone day: Millions of people aroud the globe occupied the streets to protest against global financial crisis, influenced in a great measure by the power of social networks, essentially Twitter. The protest movement, tagged as #15o and #15oct was heavily based upon #15m (Spain) and #ows ("Occupy Wall Street"), social movements around the notion that 99% of the people is NOT responsible of the 'financial games' played by a minor 1% that get rich in the process of sucking their wealth from the remaining 99% (#weare99)
The Process
We present evolution through time of related Twitter activity, around 15th October 2011. Taking a Dataset of 1.2 million tweets (ranging from 13th October to 18th October), we worked to offer some global (geolocated) visualizations, local visualizations (centered around New York, San Francisco, Barcelona and Madrid) and, lastly, a visualization about how did the associated hashtags evolved in that time frame.
Data was acquired using Twitter Search API, visualized using Processing, Unfolding, and our own network viz framework. We also used some Python and a bit of Perl (good ol' perl!!) to clean and parse the DataSet and powerfulMongoDB as the storage engine.
Any comment, suggestion or colaboration is more than welcomed on Twitter: @paradigmalabs
First Visualization: Local Protests in NYC,SFO,MAD and BCN
Second Visualization: Global Protests (World, USA and Spain)
Third Visualization: Hashtag movement in Twitter
Related Viewing (CNN's Ecosphere Project):
Related Reading
Social Network Analysis for Startups (O'Reilly Media)

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